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Published: 13-Apr-12
Age Gracefully Without The Fountain Of Youth
The search for the fountain of youth has been a quest for many years. Consumers pay millions of dollars every year in hopes of finding the magic solution or remedy to aging. Some people resort to surgery to remain having a youthful appearance. Instead of spending money on the painful and expensive surgery, you can age gracefully with some attention to the needs of your body so you can age naturally and beautifully.

Start using sunblock with SPF everyday to prevent sun damage and skin peeling. Use formulated sunblock for your face that allows you to apply makeup over the lotion.

Moisturize your skin on daily. The benefits of moisturizers help to hydrate the skin, replenish the skin cells, reduce wrinkles, and create softer skin. There are quality moisturizers on the market that work effectively without the high price associated with many moisturizers.

Exercise regularly to improve your health. Base your exercise regimen on your health conditions as you may have limitations. Use stretching exercises if you have difficulties with other forms of exercise. Use yoga and Pilates to increase your joint pliability.

Add meditation, yoga, or another stress relieving exercise to your life. When you learn to relax and reduce the stress in your life, you remove the risks of heart disease and stroke. This increases your chances of living longer.

Add walking to your exercise program. Walk for thirty minutes four times a week. Buy walking shoes for proper support of your feet and back to lessen the risks of damages and possible injuries.

Eat a balance low fat low calorie diet filled with nutrients and antioxidants to help your body keep the youthful skin and buoyancy. Eat foods that contain acai and dark green leafy vegetables that aid the body?s natural ability to age gracefully while they help to build your immunity.

Limit your intake of fats and sugars with your foods and beverages. Drink water to keep your body hydrated. Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is the medical recommendation for optimal water intake. Reduce your consumption of coffee with added creams and sugar, sodas, teas with the sugars, and other drinks high in sugar contents.

Add a multi-vitamin and supplement to your daily regimen. As you age, your body needs different levels of essential vitamins and minerals. The age appropriate vitamins and supplements will help you have the right amounts daily so you can age gracefully with your healthy body and immune system.

Visit your physician for a regular checkup. Have your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugars checked. You doctor will have blood work done to monitor the level of your health and to help prevent any possible medical conditions. Discuss with your doctor any health issues you may be experiencing so they can be treated.

Republished with author's permission.